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So I’m here in Georgia and life is so so sweet. It is simple and slow in the best way possible. I have been here for over a month now so I wanted to share what my days look like and what I have been learning. 

To walk you through what a typical day looks like, I wake up around 7 to meet with a couple girls to read our Bible in a year plan before breakfast at 8. We are then given time for devotions and time with the Lord as a squad. Around 10, we then meet inside for sessions. Sometimes we have worship during this time or other mornings we sit through amazing teachings by AIM staff. Following this we have lunch and then rotations. Rotations are different each day but they switch between cleaning, squad time, laundry, exercise, and showers. We then are given the rest of the afternoon for free time to grow in community with our squadmates or take time for ourselves. We have dinner at 5:30 and after have team time. My team is the smaller group of girls who I do life with and during this time we grow closer to one another and it is simply time to spend together. After this, we have free time until 10 when quiet hours begin. The days are long but so good. I learn something new each day and continue to grow with my squadmates and the Lord.

Being here has given me so much time to reflect and sit with the Lord. Each day He continues to reveal himself to me and the desires of His heart. I have learned so much in just a few weeks but to touch on a few of them, He has taught me what true surrender looks like, how community should be, and each and everyday I continue to grow more in awe of who He is. 

I continue to think how a year from now I am going to miss the simple things about being here. The hours of golf (a fun card game) we play each day, the tent sleepovers, the long conversations, celebrating birthday’s, and eating meals together. Doing life with these people is so special and it has only been a month. 

Life here is hard but so rewarding. Each day I am pushed and put in uncomfortable situations but through it all I am growing and becoming more of the person the Father has created me to be. I can’t wait for what’s to come!

with love,


2 responses to “i am here!”

  1. getting to do life with you every day is an honor and one of the biggest blessings! i love your heart and i love your pursuit of the Father– it’s so inspiring! i can’t wait to see all that He has for you over these next few months here in Georgia! I just know it’s gonna be so, so good! proud of you Katie girl!!!

  2. Reading this makes me smile so big!! The Race is such a blessing and if you continue to let Him, the Lord IS GOING TO move in INCREDIBLE ways! From what I’ve heard, you have an AMAZING team and you guys love each other so naturally, which is rare! Keep letting them in, even if there are days they jus tick you off for no reason haha. Also, don’t be surprised if you find yourself on fire for the Lord one day, and then doing everything in your power to “run away” from Him the next lol, it happens to all of us. (i’m sure you know this already but) I promise you’re not alone its all part of the journey when you choose to walk this close to the Lord!! You are deeply loved and favored by Him!!

    Keep making crazy memories sista!!

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