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hey friends!

As I begin preparing for my trip I will need your support! Whether through encouragement, prayer, or financially I would love you to join me through this process. Below I have included my support letter with more specifics on how to do so! Thank you all the love and support I have received so far!       

Dear Friends and Family,          

I am so excited to share with you that next year I will be participating in the World Race, a missions trip organized by Adventures in Missions! This is a 9-month trip, beginning in September, and I will be serving in Costa Rica, Guatemala, Thailand, and Eswatini. Life will look a little different every day, but I will be spreading the love of Jesus through children’s ministry, community outreach, teaching English, and in many other ways. I am beyond excited to see the Lord’s hand at work in those communities and in my life. I hope you will consider joining me on this adventure!

To pursue this mission’s opportunity, I need to raise support not only financially but I also want to build a prayer team to support our efforts. I am trusting the Lord to provide and am fully confident He will provide by placing people in my life that will join me on this mission. 

I would love to ask for your support! 

Not only would you be partnering with me, but with the Lord as he uses your support to help bring the light of the Gospel to some of the darkest of places. I believe He is at work, and I would love for you to join in on this master plan of His. I will be raising $15,800 by January 15, 2021. My first benchmark is $5,000, which is due by June 17, 2020. Your donations will cover all costs while on the field as well as my administrative costs. 

If you feel the Lord is calling you to help support me in any way, I would greatly appreciate it!

There are multiple ways you can donate financially: 

  1. To cover the entirety of my trip, I will need 3 people to donate $1,000, 13 people to donate $500, 48 people to donate $100, and 30 people to donate $50. If you can meet any of these, it would be greatly appreciated. 

  2. First, you can donate directly to my blog ( – subscribe to stay updated on my journey! You can also donate via check. I have enclosed a fundraising card that must be filled out and sent to the address on the card with your check, made out to Adventures in Missions. 

  3. Instead of a one-time donation, you can also arrange for monthly payments to be directly deposited to my fund. This can be done by check or directly on my blog if this is a better financial option for you. 

I am so excited for this journey and I sincerely hope you will be willing to join me. I will be calling in the next couple of weeks to check in and see if you have any questions for me. Thank you so much!

With Love,


(If you would like to receive this letter and my fundraising card in the mail, please feel free to reach out to me at [email protected])  

Adventures In Missions is a tax-exempt organization under IRS code 501(c)(3) and is a member of the ECFA. (Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability). Due to IRS and ECFA regulations governing the administration of tax-deductible donations given in support of a particular trip/program, support contributions given on behalf of an individual will be used to offset the costs of the trip/program you are involved in. All contributions are non-refundable and non-transferable regardless of the participant’s success in completing the program.

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